Grant Summary
Grant Eligibility |
Be registered and operating in Singapore Ideal to have at least three years of operating history with HQ in Singapore
Have a minimum of 30% local shareholding Held directly or indirectly by SG citizens or PRs, by ultimate individual ownership
Financially able to start & complete project Proof availability of funds to fund project before grant reimbursment at the end
Supportable Costs |
Adoption of sophiscated software or hardware solution - e.g. customised ERP software systems.
Adoption of solutions involving purchase of machinery as part of System Integration - e.g. automation of factory production line.
Training of staff to deploy above solutions - e.g. end-user training provided by solution vendors.
Process Redesign
Costs of engaging certified consultants to review existing processes and identify areas to improve efficiency.
Product Development
Costs of developing innovative technology and products with the end goal of commercialisation.
Such costs include (i) market validation consultancy and (ii) development of prototype and small batch production.
Non-supportable costs: (i) Development of company's first product, (ii) projects with low levels of innovation versus industry norms
Building Core Capabilities
Costs of engaging certified consultants to provide the following consultancy: (i) Business Strategy Development, (ii) Financial Management, (iii) Human capital Developement, (iv) Service Excellence and (v) Strategic Branding & Marketing
Mergers & Acquisitions
Costs of planning for M&A, assessing potential M&A targets or post M&A integration.
Such costs include (i) development of M&A strategies, (ii) feasibility study (e.g. competitive scans, target search), (iii) due dilligence on M&A target (legal, financial, tax), (iv) valuation work & (v) development of change management plan to integrate people, process & culture.
Pilot & Test Bedding
Costs involved to demonstrate product/solution viability and establish track record in new geographical or product markets.
Note: Product should be new and not generating any revenue yet.
Standards Adoption
Costs involved in assessment and adoption of internationally-recognised standards & certifications to increase business competitiveness, enhance market acess and increase trust.
Non-supportable costs: (i) Annual surveillance or recertification, (ii) standards required by local regulations, (iii) product testing and validation of existing off-the-shelf products, and (iv) basic standards like ISO 9001, ISO 14001, etc.
Support Level |
Up to 70% of all qualifying costs This is effective from 31 March 2022
No cap on grant quantum Instead, grant amount offered will depend on several factors, including company's scale of operations
Important Things To Note
Non-Supportable Costs under EDG |
Lower Support for Non-SMEs |
Need to Commit to Worker Outcomes |
Claims are on Reimbursement Basis |
No Retrospective Funding |
Timeline of Whole Process |
What do I have to prepare before applying?
- Check if you qualify for the Enterprise Development Grant (EDG). Check the Qualifying criteria above.
- Identify the key project category you wish to apply for.
- If you need help to scope your project, please refer to the project details within each section. You can also download the relevant project proposal templates and supporting document checklist to guide you in your preparation. Three project proposal templates are available to guide your preparation for submission for the relevant project categories.
- Identify suitable providers / vendors to support your project. Companies applying for EDG support for consultancy-related costs must engage management consultants with Enterprise Singapore-recognised certification. Those who do not need to be certified are:
- Members/ specialists in the consultancy team who are not providing management consultancy services, but are performing dedicated functions, such as market research, audit, fieldwork, design/ artwork, equipment installation, and drafting of legal agreements.
- Consultants offering technical advice and expertise in the development of new technology, and solutions vendors.
- The EDG only supports projects that are new, have not commenced and not generating any revenue at the point of grant application. A project is considered to have commenced if any of the following took place before the application date:
- Applicant had started work
- Applicant had made payment to third-party, who is part of the application
- Applicant had signed contractual agreement with a third party, who is part of the application
- Prepare the project proposal.
- Prepare the following documents: Click here for the EDG Application Checklist
- Latest ACRA search or instant information (dated no earlier than 6 months from date of project application). If there are corporate shareholders, please provide the information for the corporate parents as well.
- Audited financial statements or certified management accounts for the last FY of your company and consolidated financial statements for the last FY of your ultimate parent company, if applicable.
- Relevant proof of quotation for the cost of your project items. Where applicable, Enterprise Singapore may seek clarifications on the choice of vendor and/or alternative quotation source.
- For projects where management consultants are engaged, please include the consultants’ proposal detailing the scope of work, man-day rate breakdown of the service, as well as the CVs and scanned copies of Enterprise Singapore-recognised certification(s) of each individual consultant.
- Company revenue
- Staff remuneration
- Depreciation
- Net operating profit before tax for three years’ post-project (inclusive of the year of project completion)
- Impact on workers (Singaporean/ PR) benefitting from project in the form of increased wages, job creation, job-redesign or training
How can I apply for the EDG?
To apply, sign in to the Business Grants Portal with your CorpPass. If you do not have a CorpPass account, please refer to the CorpPass Guide for instructions on how to set one up.
ESG officers may contact you via the Business Grant Portal or over email / phone for clarifications on your submission before giving you the grant application outcome.
ESG officers may contact you via the Business Grant Portal or over email / phone for clarifications on your submission before giving you the grant application outcome.
What do I have to take note of after receiving an Offer Letter?
If you are awarded the grant, your company will receive a Letter of Offer (LOF) indicating the conditions of support and the amount of grant awarded. You need to acknowledge receipt and accept the LOF (by clicking the 'Accept' button on Business Grant Portal) within the timeline indicated, otherwise the application would be considered invalid.
Key terms to take note in the Offer Letter:
1. Project Qualifying Period
Essentially, projects should have been completed within the specified qualifying period, and all project deliverables should have been achieved.
Key terms to take note in the Offer Letter:
1. Project Qualifying Period
- This is critical, as any expenses paid outside of this period will not be claimable
- This is important, as it breaks down how much of the project costs are supported, and at what percentage levels
- This is critical as you will need to meet all deliverables before your claims can be approved for grant disbursement after the project
Essentially, projects should have been completed within the specified qualifying period, and all project deliverables should have been achieved.
How can I submit claims for grant reimbursement under EDG?
Step 1: Prepare Documents
Prepare the following documents required for claims submission (Claims submission checklist):
Step 2: Submit Claims on BGP and select auditors
Submit claims
Prepare the following documents required for claims submission (Claims submission checklist):
- For first time applicants, complete the Giro form and mail it to the address indicated on the document, or complete the online ESG GIRO Form (FormSG) online.
- No action required if there is no change to the Giro details previously submitted to ESG.
- Deliverables Documentation
- Project Summary report (Project Summary report template)
- Documentation of project deliverables (e.g. consultant’s report, images of equipment, etc)
- Cost Items Documentation for audit (e.g. Invoices, bank statements, employment contract, etc.)
Step 2: Submit Claims on BGP and select auditors
Submit claims
- Log on to the Business Grant Portal (BGP) and select “File a New Claim”. Refer to the BGP guide for more information.
- Upload project summary report and documentation of project deliverables under “Project Report” tab in BGP.
- During final claim submission in BGP, select an auditor from Enterprise Singapore’s Pre-Qualified Panel to verify your claims, unless expressly exempted by Enterprise Singapore.
- Upload cost items documentation (e.g. invoices, bank statements) under “Supporting Documents” in BGP.
- Upon completion of the above steps, submit the claim and record the claim number for future reference. If you require further technical support on your claim submission, please contact Enterprise Infoline.
What happens after I have submitted claims for evaluation?
- An Enterprise Singapore officer will verify that the project deliverables have been met, and may contact you for further information if required. A site visit or presentation meeting may be arranged for this purpose. You may be asked to revise your Project Report if the information is incomplete.
- Concurrently, the auditor that you have appointed will verify your claim documents and issue an Audit Report upon completion of the verification. The auditor may contact you for further information if required.
- The approved claim amount will be disbursed within a few weeks via GIRO to your designed bank account after successful verification of project deliverables & expenses.
- You will be informed via email when the grant has been approved and disbursed.
- An email will also be sent out by DBS to the email address stated in the GIRO form to confirm the transaction.
Next Steps |
Find out how our grant consultants can help your company secure the EDG grant here.